Which marketing activity drives telephone calls to your business?
Some web visitors will prefer to telephone the company to ask questions or place an order. Most companies (big and small) find it difficult to accurately track telephone sales & sales leads and answer the question “Which marketing activity prompted them to call?” Was it a press ad or a telephone directory or a radio ad or the website? Not being able to answer this question means that you could be wasting money on marketing that isn’t as effective as it could be.
However, with my advanced web telephone tracking system it’s now possible to track these calls back to the web referral source to find out which web marketing is working best. Individual telephone calls can be broken down by referral source such as Pay Per Click or organic search. Better still, the keyword searched for can also be identified.
Key benefits for companies big and small
- attract more high quality leads and sales
- improve web marketing return on investment
- improve website performance
- improve sales call conversion
For more details, ask me about my advanced web telephone tracking system.