Despite an ever growing list of new marketing opportunities, Pay Per Click advertising continues to grow in importance because it’s an effective way to meet business objectives such as:
There are billions of searches every month and new initiatives such as mobile search & local search continue to improve users experience and provide new opportunities.
Although many companies are increasing their PPC budgets, a new report highlights that for the majority, their poor internal PPC processes and management can lead to sub-optimal performance:
- just 41% of organisations agree with the statement “We have a formal (PPC) process we routinely perform.”
- 37% say “We have an informal process we randomly perform.”
- 22% agree “We have no process for performing this.”
So around 59% of companies are investing in PPC but do not effectively monitor overall performance. This may be because the companies lack expertise in-house or possibly because they are busy doing other stuff.
Having done virtually every type of marketing over the past 25 years, I love PPC because it is so accountable. You can quickly identify what’s working and what isn’t and progressively transfer budget to the areas that provide the best results.
So if you don’t have the expertise in-house or don’t have the time, don’t just leave you PPC campaigns to bimble along. At best, your results will not be as good as they could be and at worst you could be throwing money away.
If this applies to you: get help from aPPC expert